Powerful shifts can be made by connecting leaders with their purpose and enabling them to inspire others – top teams, staff, stakeholders, publics.
Alison has mentored and coached many top civil servants, business leaders and those in difficult situations wanting to find a way forwards by engaging teams or the public. Coaching for resilience can take many forms – we specialise in coaching women to find strength, purpose and support, and coaching leaders to manage conflict and trauma in themselves and others – especially in a world which is so uncertain financially and environmentally.
One of the best ways to create a resilent future is to pass on the most effective skills and methodologies to others. Alison and Kate delight in developing developing and delivering training which addresses complexity, human behaviour and getting the very best out of situations. They train beginners to advanced conflict resolution skills, facilitation, public and stakeholder engagement, and organisational development and change. All training is “trauma-informed” which means we can help you with the most difficult conversations around Covid-19 and environmental crises, hold the group and flexibly keep on track.
We use a number of online tools to replace face-to-face sessions where necessary.
Projects and Project mentoring
Our team of facilitators and mentors can come into your organisation and work with your teams to create efficiencies and resilience by designing processes and/or models which involve staff and supply chains, neighbours and shareholders to create systems which work cohesively and with purpose. Sometimes we run these projects ourselves, sometimes we mentor your own staff, leaving behind valuable experience and skills to use in the future.
We use approaches which consider the whole system, so changes are sustainable and won’t creep back over time. Our work often involves ‘penny drop moments’, ideas which, once noticed, have such a ring of truth that they pervade the decision-making of the whole system going forwards. These moments create a joint feeling in groups which help create excitement and drive on change.
Games and Workshops
“What’s In Your Box?”is a game we designed and use with staff teams, supply chains and neighbours to allow pepole to create thought experiments about what they would do in a variety of emergency scenarios – flooding, lengthy power cuts, and for the teenagers – zombie invasion! The outcomes are very practical, (you work out what you might need in an emergency box) yet it’s the process of playing the game, the conversations and realisations about the players’ own resilience and the skills of others they will need to depend on in an emergency, as well as developing understandings of the system in which they find themselves that are the most lasting – be that the home, workshop, office, or classroom.
Off-the shelf workshops can also help your teams get over certain stresses and strains. Check out our “Back to Work” series about a gentle and thoughtful return to a slightly altered work environment.